Free Pizza* - and things I offer for free!

12 August 2024

* OK, So it's not Free Pizza, but there are plenty of FREE things available at Kibworth Osteopaths, with no catch attached at all.

You might be wondering why this is so important to me, and that is super easy to answer.

At the heart of everything that I do is service.

I ask myself daily how I can serve my patients to 100% of my ability and how I can serve the community.

I truly feel that I am in a hugely privileged position where I am trusted with people’s health, and as you know, I strongly feel that your health is your wealth.

This is why I provide as much as I can for free: sometimes, your body can self-heal—but you need to know how to facilitate this.

What I offer everyone - for FREE!

Facebook and Instagram

My Facebook and Instagram pages are active, and here you will find a range of valuable, accessible content, including exercises to help you get your body stretching, moving, and strengthening—whatever your age. You will also find advice on all sorts (from desk set-up to shoes) and advice for those SOS moments when an injury has happened, and you need top-quality advice at your fingertips.

YouTube Channel

I have a dedicated YouTube channel full of exercises for different parts of your wonderful body to suit a wide range of physical abilities. I am constantly adding to this bank of content and am open to suggestions if there is a question you need answering or body part nurturing! Drop me an email, and I will be thrilled to help you.

Free Resources

Coming soon to my website is a new section of free resources! These will be available for you to download and include advice on ice/heat, infant feeding, and ergonomics. In the meantime, email me if you want early access to these guides.

Publishing Articles

One of the best ways I can help my wider community is by writing articles (I knew my A Level in English Literature would come in handy one day!)—these are often found in the Kibworth Chronicle and can also be found on my very own website.


Anyone who has ever seen me will tell you I love nothing more than to talk about how brilliant their body is. I have a lot to say, and I love providing insight on topics affecting health. My website's blog section has new articles released monthly.

Book Reviews

Providing safe resources and recommendations is very important to me. This is why I will be heard saying, “I have a book about that!” Helping you understand and help your body is why I am ultimately an Osteopath! My Book Review is also released monthly and can be found here.

Quarterly Newsletter

I publish a quarterly Newsletter linked to the season changes. It is full of tips and advice to help you stay well at any age.


This list is not complete and I am constantly looking at ways to add value to my community.

In Clinic

So – what do you get when you come and see me? Well, to start, a warm welcome and a big smile!

In the clinic, you will find our free book exchange and lots of little things you can take for free, from advice sheets to little giveaways to make you smile!

It is essential to me that my patients still get top care after an appointment. This is why all advice/recommendations/exercises are sent by email on the same day—so you can keep the wheels of recovery turning!In addition, I am always available on WhatsApp, by phone call or by email to answer any further queries you might have before or after an appointment.

I Love Osteopathy

I love being an Osteopath because it enables me to help people – even when they have not physically been to the clinic.

I am passionate about helping others, and if you have any questions or would like advice on a particular physical health issue, please don’t hesitate to ask. I am always happy to help you feel your physical best in your body!

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