Book Review: High on Life

31 October 2024


As an Osteopath, I specialise in the bio-mechanics of the beautiful human body. I am the eternal student of the body, an absolute privilege.

My book reviews are written to help you better understand and nurture your physical body. I hope you enjoy reading them, and if you have any books to suggest, I would be very interested to hear about them.

Book Review: High on Life by David J.P. Phillips

"There is no quick fix to happiness. Happiness is a lifestyle."

- David J.P. Phillips

What do you strive for? How do you wish to feel?

So often, as humans, we think we are seemingly at the mercy of our emotions and feelings – but what if you could choose how you feel day to day or in a given moment? Then what?

Well, a lot would change. Just like we order our choice of drink at a bar, David J.P. Phillips provides us with an option and knowledge to choose between an “Angel’s Cocktail” and a “Devil’s Cocktail”.

As an Osteopath, I passionately teach patients about their amazing bodies daily. I primarily discuss the physical body as this is my area of expertise. However, David J.P. Phillips has given me much more to talk about.

Hormones get a bad rap. They are often mentioned at the end of flippant comments such as “It must be my/their hormones.”

Hormones are incredible and (we can all agree on this) very, very powerful. They are the chemical messengers, instructing and orchestrating our internal body to do things we do not consciously ask it to.

For example, the pancreas produces the hormone insulin, which is vital in regulating blood sugar levels. We don’t ask our pancreas to produce and release insulin—it just does it according to need and demand.

So, what of these six essential hormones does Phillips claim we can naturally harness and revolutionise our lives?

Phillips expertly and gently guides the reader through the roles of:

  • Dopamine is involved in our drive, focus and pleasure. Learning how to balance dopamine helps with motivation and charisma. Dopamine allows us to enjoy the small things in life – without needing to add to this with more “enjoyable things” (think multiple devices using junk food and sugar). This is dopamine stacking – I now routinely tell my children if and when they are dopamine stacking (they understand what this means, as I have made them aware), as the long-term effects of this are alarming. Phillips also makes his reader aware of short and long-term dopamine – both have a role, and learning to use them to your advantage is a very cool thing to do!
  • Oxytocin is my favourite. This helps us to feel connected, empathy and a sense of belonging. Learning to up your oxytocin levels fills you with trust and compassion and enables you to feel genuinely connected to the people around you and the world. Phillips provides the reader with situations where you may wish for a shot of oxytocin in your Angel’s Cocktail – and how to add one easily.
  • Seratonin is likely the hormone most people have heard of. If you feel at the mercy of regular mood ups and downs, serotonin is the hormone you need to focus on. It is responsible for long-lasting happiness and harmony within. This incredible neurochemical is (in my opinion) the foundation of the Angel’s cocktail, and Phillips will guide you through how to ensure it is present. Tips on stress management (a stress map is a must for anyone struggling with stress), great self-esteem boosting habits, and easy-to-implement suggestions around many serotonin boosts from sunlight to sleep, harnessing this hormone could change how you feel for the long term.
  • Cortisol is involved in focus, excitement and stress. Generally, stress can be split into eustress, which is good, and distress, which is terrible – and often linked with chronic stress. In quick, short bursts, cortisol could give you the extra nudge to get a job done, take you out of your comfort zone, and excite you! It helps us get out of bed in the morning; our cortisol levels are higher. We need to keep this hormone in check, and learning to use it to your advantage can help you do just that.
  • Endorphins are fun! They are present when we are euphoric and excited. Learning to release endorphins will only make you feel good! Smiling releases endorphins, and celebrating your wins will help you get naturally high on life—from really feeling your own successes (whatever they may be). These little chemicals are a marvel.
  • Testosterone is not just for men—women naturally have low levels of testosterone. Need to feel confident? Testosterone has your back, and as with all the other hormones discussed, Philips teaches the reader how to summon a healthy shot to add to your cocktail. We just need to be choosy when we call upon it, as it is not a friend when you’re making a big decision!

With simple tips to deliberately release and feel the effects of these hormones, there is really no one who wouldn’t benefit from reading this book, learning the content, and then choosing to implement the advice.

I enjoyed part 2, where Phillips shows us that through practice, we make the summoning of these hormones part of who we are - and my favourite part is that it can be contagious.

Feeling good can affect those around you. I will leave the last words of my review to David J.P. Phillips: “There is no quick fix to happiness. Happiness is a lifestyle.”

Emily Coombes
Kibworth Osteopaths

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