Inspiring Indoor Exercise

11 January 2024

A woman using an exercise mat in her house with a laptop

January is a time for resolutions, focus, and a burst of determined activity.

If your goal is physical fitness and more movement, I am cheerleading this!

However, it can be hard to feel inspired to get outside when time is limited with work, and the weather can be less inviting – or perhaps dangerous.

The good news is all you need is your home and your body!

Research shows us that the lack of movement in the colder weather causes joint stiffness more than the weather itself (controversial, I know).

There is no doubt that our muscles react to the cold by contracting, and when we are really cold, the fibres move in a way that we know as shivering to generate heat.

However, whatever the weather, our muscles need to lengthen, and our joints need to move.

This is medicine for the musculoskeletal system.

Moving inside is not a direct substitute for a good brisk outdoor walk, but all movement is good movement as far as the body is concerned.

Here are a few ideas for you…


A good March on the spot for 5 minutes, adding in faster and slower paces, held paces for balance, and even some size-increasing arm swings.

TipToe Walking is a great mini-challenge.

Worktop Workout

This is a great way to get some strengthening work through your body, and best of all, it can be snuck into dead time. For example, whilst you’re waiting for the kettle to boil.

I love this little routine and often do this myself. I have popped it in below for you!

20 20 20 Rule

Not just for office workers! This nifty little neck movement hack is great for readers and knitters alike!

Every 20 minutes, look away for a distance of 20 yards for 20 seconds.

You could even add a look over each shoulder as well. Good for your neck and eyes. This is a body must-do for me.

All in Balance

I can never over-sell the importance of working your balance.

Having a strong balance system helps your body automatically correct those wobbles and thus can prevent nig traumatic falls.

It needs a lot of communication from the eyes, ears, brain and body to keep the balance system strong.

This is why another way to strengthen your balance is to try exercises with your eyes shut. I have popped a couple of videos below for you to have a go with!

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