Embracing Winter

01 December 2023

Two people with winter socks in from of fairy lights

The nights draw in, the cold weather nips at our noses, and the twinkling lights of Christmas sparkle into the darkness.

It is Winter, and it is beautiful.

Winter, for me, is a time to recharge after the long, carefree days of summer, the busyness of Autumn with harvesting produce, and preparing for the onset of the darker months ahead.

The cosy evenings with hot chocolate, card games and movies – togetherness as we retreat from the outside world is a vital part of my recharge.

It looks like nature does nothing over winter, but there is a lot of preparation for the forthcoming spring.

You can see new buds on the trees formed when this year’s leaves fell, and these buds are protected from the cold under scales.

Animals forage (give them a hand where you can!), and the ground protects seeds that sleep, getting ready to burst into life when ready.

Winter can easily be a time when movement becomes limited, as hibernation is all too tempting (did you know we have only three native species that hibernate, the dormouse, bats and hedgehogs?) I learnt this fact just last month!

However, I encourage you to fight that feeling, wrap up warmly, and go for a walk.

Move your joints, as this is when the nourishing synovial fluid encapsulates all joints and is swept across the joint surface, providing nutrients and lubrication.

Walking keeps our muscles strong and supple, works our balance system, and calms our minds. Step out and appreciate the beauty of our local surroundings.

As busy as December can be (pop on to my social for December survival tips!), January and February can be challenging and lonely.

If you are experiencing loneliness, reach out to family and friends, even if it is a catch-up on the phone.

As always, I would like to thank you all for your support this year and for recommending me to your friends/family.

It means so much to me, and the words thank you are all I have to express my gratitude. I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy 2024.

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