Get Out and Get Moving This Spring
31 March 2023

Seeing the colourful spring flowers, the warmth on my face from the sunshine, and the smell of spring rain on fresh grass make me feel energised.
Just as we see nature stretch out after keeping warm but busy underground over winter, it is a time for us to get more active too. Here are a few simple ideas to get you started.
- Walking (seriously underrated as activity and exercise – walking uses whole body movement and works our balance). Whether walking to the end of the street or a few miles, your body will be grateful to move as designed.
- Getting back out in the garden – Gardening is a pleasure many enjoy. See below for my Top tips on how to avoid hurting yourself when in the garden.
- Returning to outdoor sports such as golf and tennis. But be careful because I’m starting to see injuries related to this, primarily due to people not warming up or cooling down before or after playing.
Warming Up and Cooling Down
Your brain knows your body is about to do sport – but often, your physical body's first warning is when it is doing it!
Warming Up
Warming Up is a ‘heads up’ to your physical body that activity is about to happen.
Warming up doesn’t take as long as people think – here is a little gift from me to you, a top-to-toe warm-up that can be used pre-sport, pre-gardening, or just to move your fantastic body.
Cooling Down
Just as warming up is essential, so is ‘stretching down’ after exercise. This signals to your body that the higher-intensity activity has finished.
Stretching is so important – did you know you’re less likely to have DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) if you stretch after sport?
I love making stretching routines for people, do get in touch if you think you’d benefit!
Here’s a helpful video I made with some post-gardening stretches. Also useful for post-exercise too.
Emily Coombes
Registered Osteopath