Flipflops are a flop
30 May 2023

Getting footwear right in the summer is a must. We are usually more active in the warmer months, and whilst it can be tempting on those hot days to slip your feet into airy flip-flops, just don’t. “But why?!” I hear you ask. “They are just so comfy!” I hear you say. Well, not for your feet.
Flipflops are hard work for feet – the toes have to scrunch slightly to keep the flipflops gripped onto the foot. Therefore we walk differently when wearing flip-flops; we tend to slam the feet down, so the nice walking cycle of heel strike then toe off is hugely compromised.
This slamming of the foot down puts increased pressure on the sole of the foot (and as flipflops are very slim, they also offer no shock absorption), which can lead to a painful inflammatory response in the sole of the foot called plantar fasciitis (trust me this can also be tricky to get rid of!), and can also lead into bone spurs on your heels.
With the increased ground force hitting the feet hard with every step, this force is then passed up into the ankle, knee, hip and lower back - the whole body is affected. And if (like me) you have flat feet, the use of flip-flops is likely to cause a lot more pressure on the inside of the knee which can then lead to pain in the knees. All of this increased force and pressure passing through the feet will likely lead to increased inflammation and, therefore, discomfort in the feet as well.
Flipflops do not offer any protection to the ankle, and they are so easy to trip over in. This will often lead to a sprained ankle (if you’re lucky!) or a break – and who wants to be in Plaster of Paris in the summer?!
Beyond biomechanics, flipflops offer zero protection to the feet from things on the ground – it is so easy for a nail/glass/thorns to go through the flipflop and straight into the foot, which again is popping you into the hospital and spoil your whole day! Children in flip-flops are a massive no (sorry, kids!) The above applies to them too. However, their feet are still developing, so it is even more critical that their little arches are supported and that their footwear does a significant amount of shock absorption when out and about.
There are many supportive, stylish alternatives to flip-flops for all demographics. Personally, I love a pair of Birkenstocks. In my mind, flip-flops are acceptable when walking from the pool to the changing rooms. And I hope now you’ve read my reasons. You’ll be inclined to agree!
Any brands listed in this article have been chosen through personal preference. I have not been asked or endorsed to recommend them.
Always happy to help you,
Emaily Coombes (B'Ost)
Registered Osteopath (7416)