Book Review: Preparing for the Perimenopause and Menopause

18 July 2023

Preparing for the Perimenopause and Menopause book


As an Osteopath, I specialise in the bio-mechanics of the beautiful human body. I am the eternal student of the body, an absolute privilege.

My book reviews are written to help you better understand and nurture your physical body. I hope you enjoy reading them, and if you have any books to suggest, I would be very interested to hear about them.

Book Review: Preparing for the Perimenopause and Menopause, Dr Louise Newson.

"This book is indispensable. Keep it by your bedside. It will transform your life. Dr Louise is a miracle worker"

- Lorraine Kelly

You can always tell a good book when it is dog-eared and coffee stained!

This book is a gift to women from the incredible Dr Louise Newson.

The information in this book is essential for all women to know.

This book will empower women regarding what to expect symptom-wise, what treatments are available, and how to request appropriate help for perimenopausal symptoms/menopausal symptoms.

Sadly these symptoms, when viewed in isolation, not as a collective, can lead to misdiagnosis and/or treatments that will not help.

My advice – ladies - is to read this and share it with every female family member / friend / colleague you know.

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