Book Review: Beating Osteoporosis
05 October 2023

As an Osteopath, I specialise in the bio-mechanics of the beautiful human body. I am the eternal student of the body, an absolute privilege.
My book reviews are written to help you better understand and nurture your physical body. I hope you enjoy reading them, and if you have any books to suggest, I would be very interested to hear about them.
Book Review: Beating Osteoporosis, Diana Morgan.
"As a sufferer of osteopenia herself (an early form of osteoporosis), Diana Moran is a strong advocate for exercise, early diagnosis, weight-bearing exercise, vitamin D and other measures that can be taken to tackle osteoporosis."
- Amazon Reviews
One of the things I frequently discuss with patients is bone health – it is, after all, the nature of an OSTEOpath to think all things bone.
The most common thing I pick up on and discuss is osteopenia and osteoporosis.
Many of you will have heard of osteoporosis and understand it as a “bone-weakening” condition. However, less commonly understood is osteopenia – the precursor to osteoporosis.
When I suspect osteoporosis, I refer for a DEXA scan via the GP. If there is a confirmation of osteopenia, the best thing a patient can do is get informed and get active to strengthen their bones and joints, consider diet and ensure they have a good vitamin D intake.
The most common demographic for this is post-menopausal women (As if we don’t have enough to deal with, hey ladies!), so I think forewarned is forearmed.
Diana Moran is associated with The Royal Osteoporosis Society and has released an excellent book called Beating Osteoporosis, I class this as a must-read for anyone who knows they have osteopenia/osteoporosis or over 55 (male or female).
The book brilliantly discusses osteoporosis and treatment options and, most importantly, has a fantastic chunk dedicated to safe, practical exercises specifically designed to help strengthen joints, bones and muscles.
Bonus – these exercises can be done at home. There are some fantastic daily tips – for example, taking a bag of coins in your pocket on a walk to add some weight, which increases the pull on your muscles and bones, helping to make them more robust over time.
Other advice is for those where mobility is more challenging, ensuring you take regular breaks from sitting, standing up and stamping your feet 10 times.
The book includes contact details for the Royal Society of Osteoporosis, which provides FREE advice regarding osteoporosis and osteopenia.
Overall, this book is essential – and I cannot rate it highly enough!