Just do one thing to start a change

24 September 2024

Sometimes, things feel too big to tackle.

I feel like this on a Sunday when looking at the ironing pile! But, after a few items have been ironed before I know it, I am in the groove and getting this job underway.

Looking after our bodies can feel the same - like a monumental task (made all the more complex because it encompasses body, mind, and soul) with many people telling you what you should/shouldn’t do.

Let’s start with that—should. I dislike this word, as it implies (rather heavily) guilt if you do or don’t do something.

All I can offer is to tell you about what I do, which has taken YEARS to establish.

It is a glorious, constantly evolving process as I learn more and more about the amazing human body.

I divide my body into three equal sections: physical, mind, and soul. All three need nourishment in equal measure.

Nurture one more than the others, and imbalance is created. However, you can nourish and nurture more than one section of yourself in one activity! For example, we know that going for a walk is excellent for your physical and mental health—or if you walk and have an educational podcast/audiobook, you are also exercising your mind’s grey matter.

Think about what you would like. I know this can be a tricky question to answer, and if I asked you what you do not want, I am confident you could give me a complete list.

However, think about what you want for yourself and your body (the two are different but also so entwined). Knowing this is a great place to start, as then we can work out how to get there.

Sometimes, that end goal feels too much or maybe even impossible, but we all start at the beginning whenever we do something.

Start by doing one thing daily for your physical body, mind, and soul. (I won’t talk too much about the soul as this is beyond my scope of professional expertise and is, in my opinion, personal for us all).

Most importantly, remember that you are doing this for you.

Your focus may be on looking after your physical body. You may initially set yourself the goal of increasing your water intake and physical activity by walking more, perhaps for fitness or to start a weight loss journey.

Start there! Before long, you may be running a couch-to-5k, ditching processed foods, stopping smoking, and buying your first pair of running shoes. Celebrate at the end of every day those little steps you took—for these are solid foundations to build and grow.

I feel the mind is the hardest part of the human body to harness, and I always advise seeking professional help with this—be it therapy, medication, or coaching (I could go on). Help is there, so please reach out to access it if you feel this is needed.

One of the first things I did when looking into my mind was to watch my thoughts. This was fascinating, and one thing I did when a negative thought was present or on a loop was to stop and ask myself, “Is this true?” I soon could watch my thoughts and interact with them differently, and they then stopped running the show.

Setting boundaries is also essential - even if it is a time boundary to enable you to exercise – these are essential for your well-being. Again – start with one thing.

Initially, that one thing may be to take a hugely brave step and reach out for help. Celebrate that you did that; we do not celebrate ourselves enough as humans.

Here is a challenge: At the end of the day, tell yourself three things you did well that day—these don’t have to be significant. Sometimes, I celebrate that my mascara did not end up everywhere; other days, it is that 10k run I did in a PB!

When starting something new, reach out for help from genuine experts – some advice on the internet is wild, not backed by any research and frankly dangerous. You may need an expert in exercise, nutrition, mental health.

The same is true when you are injured or unwell – see an expert, not Google.

So, what am I working on right now? Well, my running, walking, and Pilates are vital for my physical and mental health.

Learning to grow vegetables and salads is vital for my mental well-being (getting in the earth is therapy for me) and my physical health, as all that home-grown nourishment is gorgeous.

Learning about astrology is an enjoyment for my curious mind and thus boosts my mental health, as well as then giving my physical body a rest.

My daily 10-13 mediation practice is as important to me as brushing my teeth, I simply have to do it.

I’m not sharing this information with you to boast and claim my routine is the pinnacle of all routines—not at all.

I aim to show you that what you do to benefit your physical body, your mind, and your soul starts with one step and grows and grows into something beautiful.

Oh, and that ironing pile—I have turned a static activity into a more dynamic one; I iron five items, then take them upstairs and put them away—increasing both my stairs and steps count as well as getting that ironing done! So, my physical body gets a workout, and my mind gets one because there’s always a funny movie on to get me laughing—which is the best medicine.

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