Health is Wealth
17 July 2023

Your Health is Your Wealth. Consider that statement briefly to see what it means to/for you.
“Your health is your wealth” is something I often say to patients, and there is always a moment of realisation.
As an Osteopath, I primarily work with physical health – the body's mechanics.
Early in our Osteopathy studies, we are taught that health encompasses more than good physical health.
As an Osteopath, I recognise the importance of people requiring holistic and whole health, mind, body and soul.
Physical Health
Physical health is essential.
Looking after the physical body is what I wax lyrical about all day in my clinic - the importance of stretching being the hottest topic most days.
Our physical body does an unquantifiable amount of things in a day. It moves us, digests, breathes, supplies, heals, and restores (I could go on), and we must respect that and help the physical body as much as we can.
Staying hydrated is another crucial element in maintaining our health, as is moving our body in any way we can (I often say movement is medicine).
Finally, and most importantly, be sure to find ways to stop and rest your physical body because if your body isn’t showing up, neither are you.
Mental Health
In addition to all of this, the power of the mind is enormous. We know our mind has capabilities beyond our understanding.
From dreaming to learning, remembering and thinking – the list is endless.
We also know that the mind can cause actual illness in people, and I’m so glad I trained as a Mental Health First Aider since this has given me a deeper understanding of mental health and the effects this has on individuals.
Soul / Spiritual Health
Soul health/Spiritual health is not something we tend to talk about as Osteopaths, as it is beyond our professional remit. However, we respect all beliefs, cultures, and lifestyles.
As individuals, we must have a community that understands us for who we are.
We know the devastating effects that loneliness can have on individuals.
Balancing Act
If the areas mentioned above are out of balance, the body will become symptomatic.
For example, not stretching after a run will cause muscles to be tight and sore, affecting the physical body.
Being unable to run due to an injury will often affect mental health (we all know the benefits of exercise on mental health).
Likewise, if an individual is living under stress (acute or chronic), this could cause headaches and tight neck muscles. Thus the mind is affecting the physical body.
In short, the body will be imbalanced if you don’t have WHOLE health.
Help is Here
My role as an Osteopath is to help my patients understand their bodies and, most importantly, help them learn to help their bodies.
The way I do this includes various things, from hands-on treatment to advice patients can implement for themselves to boost their physical health.
Sometimes I need to refer my patients to other specialists. This could mean a referral to their GP or recommending a practitioner specialising in mental health.
Knowing my skill limitations keeps my patients in safe hands and vitally ensures that their whole health is my top priority.
I am always happy to help you, so please contact me with any questions.
Emily Coombes (B'Ost)
Registered Osteopath (7416)